Sunday, December 12, 2010

Gluten-Free Surprise: Rainbow Chip Frosting

I've written before about my favorite cake as a kid: Funfetti. You know, that chemical-filled cake-from-a-box concoction with sprinkles in the mix that bakes to a fluffy perfection, studded with brightly colored dots of happiness? The cake that no food connoisseur or health-conscious eater would ever willingly put in their bodies?

Yes, I still love it, even though I can't have it.

I never mentioned what kind of frosting I topped this hideously delicious cake with as a kid. Rainbow chip frosting. White, creamy frosting with little nuggets of white-chocolate flavored colored pieces. A frosting I was sure - until now - I couldn't eat.

But check. This. Out.

On the back, as with all Betty Crocker products that are now safe for us gf-ers, are two tiny words in capital letters.


Bless you, Betty Crocker. I am unhealthier because of you, but oh so much happier. My Bob's Red Mill chocolate cupcakes are now happily topped with Rainbow Chip goodness. And there was much rejoicing in the land.

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