Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Gluten-Free Surprise: See's Candies

We wait for it every year.

Around December 15 the UPS man (or woman, though our UPS guy here in Nashville is definitely a guy) knocks at our door. Daryl and I look at each other and smile.

It's See's Candy day.

Daryl's aunt Alex sends us an 8 oz box of See's Truffles every year. It always arrives during final exams, the crunch time of our student holiday season. We are exhausted. At the end of our ropes. Cranky. Tired. Mired in works by or about Barth, Hegel, or Jüngel (Daryl) or Ephesians, Alzheimer's, or Bonhoeffer (me).

Since being married to Daryl I've begun to look forward to See's Candy day as soon as Thanksgiving passes.

Last year I got a bit sad before See's Candy day. I had started a gluten-free diet months earlier, and didn't expect to be able to indulge in my favorite holiday box of chocolates. I had done some research on another favorite of mine, Fanny Mae, and discovered that, sadly, most of their chocolates contain gluten. Boo. Lindt's chocolates contain barley malt, so those are a no-go as well. I expected See's to be the same.

We called the company to check. Their exact words: "All the truffles we sell during the winter holidays are gluten-free."

Yum. Yum, yum, and yum.

To make matters even better this year, we had a favorite gluten-free couple over for dinner the same day the See's arrived. Between the four of us we decimated that box.

Thanks, Aunt Alex. Thanks, See's!


  1. Thank you, Aunt Alex! Sorry, Court, that your box didn't last longer! Guilty...

  2. Nah, that stuff is better shared. :) We were happy to spread the love!


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