Monday, February 28, 2011

Portable Snack? Yes, Please!

I'm always on the lookout for a portable snack. Since us gf-ers can't just hop in a drive-thru lane like most Americans, or run into a convenience store for a quick bite, we have to fend for ourselves.

I've found that I have actually stopped thinking of things I can't eat as food. Regular loaf of bread? Same thing as cardboard. Big Mac? Not food. Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream? A myth. Warm pretzels? Might as well be a pretzel-scented candle.

In many ways, this makes life easier. I don't think so much about what I can't have if it doesn't even seem like real food. Glutenous products just don't exist in edible form. Not for me, anyway. Anyone else feel like this?

My husband was recently talking to a friend of his, and somehow gluten came up. He told his friend that I can't eat gluten, that it makes me really, really sick.

"But I'm sure she cheats sometimes, right?" asked his friend.

"Bahahahahaha... NO," said my husband. Living gluten-free isn't a "diet." It's not a fad or a trend. It's not something I do to be "good," but then cheat now and again. The punishment for cheating (2-3 days of inability to function or leave the house...) is far, far worse than a bite of even the most decadent cake or crispiest bread. Nope. Not gonna do it.

So I pack snacks. I come to meetings, dinners, parties, and events with a tupperware or a Ziploc or a purse full of goodies in tow.

My recent discovery? Lundberg Honey Nut Rice Cakes.

These have many, many things going for them. They're completely allergen free. They're made in a dedicated gluten free facility. And they are really, really tasty and sweet without containing much sugar (2g per cake). They have 18g of whole grains per cake, and are low in calories (80). Plus, they travel well and are a good option when I'm out of bread (I bake my own, and it only lasts 4-5 days before it dries out).

Slather some peanut butter or almond butter on these, cut up a banana, and that's a great tasty lunch. Yum.

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