Thursday, May 24, 2012

Beh-beh Likes Asparagus

Baby is growing!

See? 23 weeks old this week!

All indications are that it is healthy and strong. I love feeling the kicks - it helps me know that all is well.

Things I've learned about pregnancy in the first five months:

1. You aren't supposed to sleep on your back after the first trimester, because the baby rests on your lower aorta and can cut off blood supply to the lower half of your body (and to itself!). This makes for some serious challenges in getting comfortable at night for us back-and-stomach sleepers.

2. People get really judgy when they think you are drinking caffeine. ("It's a caffeine-free root beer, for Pete's sake! Get off my back about it!")

3. Everyone has an opinion, and sometimes these coincide in really funny ways. One Sunday in church I had two people come up to me within minutes of each other to tell me that I'm "carrying high" (meaning that the baby is sitting high on my tummy). The first said, "That means it's a boy!" The second said, "That means it's a girl!" Hilarious.

4. Not knowing if it's a boy or a girl drives other people crazy, but we are loving the element of surprise. Two months ago I was sure it was a boy, but now I often lean towards girl... What do YOU think?

--Photo borrowed from www.chron.com

Things I've learned about our baby:

1. It either loves or hates asparagus. Whenever I eat it, the baby kicks for a good ten minutes. I wish I knew whether it was saying, "Thanks, Mom! More, please!" or "For the love of all that is good, STOP FEEDING ME ASPARAGUS!" Any theories?

2. It loves hearing my husband's voice. Sometimes we read it books, and when he reads The Very Hungry Caterpillar and gets to the part about the caterpillar being "very, very hungry," (which he reads in a deep voice as "very, very hooooooongry"), the baby goes nuts with kicking. Baby loves daddy.

3. It hates letting our midwife find its heartbeat. At every appointment it kicks against the Doppler and she has to chase it for a good minute or two before it settles down and lets her get a reading. Feisty little thing!

4. It is going to be really really loved. But that one goes without saying, right? :)


  1. AnonymousMay 24, 2012

    I love that kid already and can't wait to meet him, so wait her, no wait I think him =)

  2. You think it's a boy, eh? Well, you have a 50-50 chance of being right...


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