Tuesday, July 17, 2012

KIND = Nummy

I've never been a huge granola bar fan. When I was a kid, I only liked Kudos and the Quaker Oat bars that were chock-full of chocolate chips and marshmallows. More candybar than nutritious snack.

Once I became gluten free, I realized that I needed to have several snacks near me at all times, to ward off the hungry-grumpy-angry person I could become when there was no gf food available. I stuffed snacks in the car's glove box, in my office desk drawers, in my briefcase, my purse, my pockets.

Yet some of these snacks went uneaten. Some were so... cardboard-y. Or so... bland. Or so... tasteless. I'm a harsh critic when it comes to good snacks. They have to taste good. I'd prefer them to not be terrible for me. They have to survive a long week in a full briefcase without ruining my sermon papers. And they have to have enough calories in them that I'm not looking for another snack within the hour.

I have discovered the granola bar love of my life.

If you like almonds and coconut, this is THE bar for you. 

I don't love fruit in granola bars because I'd always rather have just plain fruit - an apple, orange, baggie of grapes, etc. I'm not crazy about all the gluten-free flours that some brands use as filler. But I loooove nuts. And I loooove coconut (which, technically, is a fruit, but doesn't seem fruit-y to me). And this bar has 4 grams of fiber, no GMOs, no trans fats, and is pretty low in sugar to boot.

I downed one of these at a recent church retreat and it rejuvenated me for the whole afternoon. This will be my new go-to bar!

What are your favorite convenient snack foods? 

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJuly 17, 2012

    Kind bars are the best! We keep trying others that sound good and have 'glowing' reviews, but KIND are still the best. No icky texture! Great take along for my sweet husband who also has to watch sugar levels as well as gluten. So many varieties. My fave... dark chocolate cherry!


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