Sunday, March 20, 2011


My husband and I have been very transitory over the last several years. Chicago, then seminary in New Jersey, then to Nashville, now to Wisconsin.

But at last, we are settled. And we're finally able to pursue a dream we've had for a long time, with the help of some wonderful green-thumbed family.

The GFJF Garden.

What better way to ensure gluten free goodness than to grow our own veggies and herbs? What better way to save on the cost of food and be environmentally friendly at the same time?

There's a great little plot of land in our backyard, and with the help of my sister and brother-in-law, we started our happy little garden. Peas, beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, chard, bell peppers, hot peppers, and carrots... Not to mention lots of parsley, cilantro, rosemary, and basil... It's going to be delicious.

The little seedlings are sprouting in a sunny window for now, since we're expected to get a late freeze in the next couple of weeks. I'll keep you posted on our produce progress!

My brother-in-law tilled the soil so that I can plant the good stuff when the temperature are right.

I couldn't resist planting a few flowers, too. To make the garden beautiful, and to cut for our table.

My nieces helped, too.

Now I only need to figure out what to do with the little bunny rabbit that lives in the bushes... I do not plan to give him a buffet lunch.


  1. Bunnies are gluten free... aren't they?

  2. Woo Hoo!! Love getting to settle in to a home and plant a garden :)


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